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Click vs. Impression: Which One Is Better?

Explore the key differences between clicks and impressions in digital marketing. Learn how to track these metrics effectively and optimize your campaigns using MisterCMO for better engagement and visibility.


Click vs. Impression

Clicks or impressions? This article breaks down their differences, individual impacts on your advertising, and how to leverage both for optimal campaign results.

Clicks and impressions—what’s the superior metric? Which one offers a more accurate measure of a campaign’s success? The answer isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.

This article explores the intricacies of these two metrics. We’ll examine what they are, how they’re measured, and why they matter in your marketing strategies.

What Are Impressions?

To make this as simple as possible, imagine this scenario: someone knocks on your door. Even if you don’t see them or open the door, their presence at your doorstep—this is an impression.

Now, translate this to digital marketing. An impression occurs the moment an ad pops up on a screen. The user doesn't need to notice or engage with the ad actively; the mere fact that it has appeared on their screen—like your website showing up in search results—is counted as an impression.

It’s essential to note that impressions are not unique; if the same person sees your ad multiple times, each occurrence is counted as a separate impression. To measure unique impressions, you need to measure reach, which is the number of unique users who see your ad.

What Are Clicks?

Now, clicks are what happens after you’ve opened the door. It’s the handshake, the greeting, the invitation to come in. In digital advertising, a click is when a user not only sees your ad (impression) but also engages with it by clicking on it.

Think of it as the purpose of the visit. The click takes the user from merely seeing your ad to interacting with it, leading them to your website or landing page. This is where they can learn more about your product or service, make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or perform any other action that fulfills the purpose of your ad.

Clicks vs. Impressions - What’s Better?

Unlike the conflict between characters in a theatrical drama, clicks and impressions are not opponents; they are partners in understanding your audience's behavior.

Each metric illuminates a different aspect of campaign success, and their value lies not in opposition but in how they complement each other based on your campaign objectives.

While impressions measure how many times your ad was displayed, clicks measure how many times users interacted with it. Impressions give you a sense of visibility, while clicks provide insight into engagement.

Remember the door analogy? You opened the door to the visitor (an impression) and then had the option to engage in conversation or accept a pamphlet (a click).

Impressions help cast a wide net for maximum visibility, while clicks focus on precision and driving action. Both metrics play vital roles in a comprehensive marketing strategy but serve different stages of the user journey.

How Can You Track Impressions and Clicks?

With a clear understanding of when to focus on impressions or clicks based on your campaign objectives, the next step is tracking these metrics effectively. Proper tracking allows you to gather data, analyze performance, and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Let’s explore how to track your metrics effectively using MisterCMO.

How to Track All Your Metrics with MisterCMO

MisterCMO is a powerful ads management tool that provides an intuitive and efficient way to analyze ad performance across multiple channels. This platform simplifies the evaluation of your ad performance with user-friendly dashboards and clear, actionable insights.

With MisterCMO, you can integrate data from various sources, including the Meta family, Google Ads and TikTok, all in one place. This comprehensive approach enables you to monitor key metrics like net profit, CPM, blended ROAS, and more in real time, ensuring you never miss crucial updates.

The platform offers a free trial, allowing you to explore its features without any commitment. Why not start your free trial today at MisterCMO and see the difference for yourself?

How to Improve Impressions and Clicks

To master the balance between ad visibility and user engagement, you must blend the science of reach with the art of attraction. Here are some ways you can increase your ads' exposure while converting curiosity into clicks:

Improving impressions is all about increasing your ads' visibility. You can achieve that by:

  1. Broadening Your Target Audience: Expand your target audience to include broader demographics or interests. Utilize lookalike or similar audiences to reach people similar to your existing customers.
  2. Increasing Your Ad Budget: Allocate more budget to high-performing campaigns. Ensure your daily budget is sufficient to sustain ad delivery throughout the day.
  3. Use the Same Post ID for Different Ad Sets: Instead of copying and pasting when creating your Facebook ads, use the same ‘Post ID’ across ad sets to accumulate engagements. This boosts the ads’ relevancy scores, increasing the likelihood of gaining impressions over other advertisers.

Once your ads are visible, the next step is to get those clicks rolling in. You can do this by:

  1. Creating Compelling Ad Copy: Write clear, concise, and persuasive ad copy using tools like ChatGPT. Highlight the benefits of your product or service and include a strong call to action.
  2. Optimizing Ad Elements: Experiment with different elements of your ads (creative, copy, CTAs) to see what resonates best with your audience.
  3. Utilizing Ad Extensions (for Search Ads): Ad extensions provide additional information, giving users more reasons to click.
  4. Improving Your Offer: Ensure that your offer is competitive and provides clear value to the user. Consider running promotions or special offers to incentivize clicks.
  5. Focusing on High-Performing Keywords (for Search Ads): Use tools like Semrush to identify and prioritize keywords that drive the most clicks and conversions.

Other Related Metrics

While clicks and impressions are the starting points for evaluating ad performance, they don't tell the whole story. To understand the impact of your campaigns, consider other related metrics for a fuller picture.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)
CTR is typically calculated as the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions, expressed as a percentage. It serves as a bridge linking initial ad impressions to active user engagement. A high volume of impressions paired with a low CTR might indicate an issue with your ad’s appeal or that it's not reaching the targeted audience.

Conversely, a high number of clicks isn't always a sign of success. If these clicks are small relative to a vast number of impressions, your CTR may actually be low. Therefore, CTR is the true indicator of whether your ad effectively drives clicks.

Page Views
After a user clicks on your ad, page views become a critical metric. The primary concern is confirming that prospects are successfully reaching your website. A significant gap between clicks and page views may indicate technical issues such as slow loading times or landing page problems.

Conversions represent the actions that contribute directly to your business's growth, be it a sale, a sign-up, or an app download. If you're achieving a high number of clicks but not seeing a proportional amount of conversions, it may be time to reassess the user experience or the alignment between the ad and the landing page.


In the digital marketing arena, neither clicks nor impressions play second fiddle. They're more like a tag team, each taking the lead based on your campaign's objectives.

Utilize impressions to shine a spotlight on your brand and captivate a new audience. Cultivate clicks to deepen engagement with those who show interest. By finding harmony between these metrics, you can leverage their insights to propel your business goals forward.

To optimize your advertising strategy and take your campaigns to the next level, consider using advanced ads management tools from MisterCMO. Start your free trial today at MisterCMO and elevate your marketing performance!